You are more than what you have survived. I'm here to help you find 

the life you long to create.

Trauma can leave you feeling like a stranger to yourself. And dreaming again can feel overwhelmingly vulnerable. I have been there, and I am here to help guide you back to the best home I know of - YOU

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coming home to myself

My Story

I was proud of the ways I had survived, but I was weary and wanted to be more than just a survivor. I wanted to be deeply happy.

Relief rushed in as I looked over my shoulder and realized I was out of the woods.  I made it. I found my strength and I was finally ok. Almost as quickly as it came, the relief faded as I realized that relief alone is not enough to fuel a life. I began to doubt my healing work. The elation of surviving quickly turned into deep questioning. And this is where I found my way...

I discovered who I was outside of my healing work. I fell madly in love with flowers and bread. I came home to myself. 

Guided by the Divine, my inner knowing, and others walking a similar path, I slowly uncovered longings that had been buried for years. My focus shifted from getting out of pain to creating the intentional, untethered, raw and beautifully human life I now live. 

And now I want every woman to experience the wonder of waking up to herself, again and again. 

Through writing and coaching, I HELP WOMEN MOVE OUT OF SURVIVAL MODE INTO the WILD, BEAUTIFUL LIFE they long for.


The world gives you so much pain and here you are making gold out of it. There is nothing purer than that.

My favorites

Nature walks / 

Slow dinners

Honest talks /

Strong cocktails

Morning sunlight

My version of heaven on earth is a long wooden table set with more candles than you can count, in the middle of a wild garden, holding a cocktail, listening to stories and laughter. 

Beauty widens our capacity for healing, and grief bursts open the door to deeper joy. Being human naturally brings beauty and grief. The magic lies in opening your arms to embrace both. 

my healing rituals

01. Winter walks

02. Making bread

03. Detox baths

04. Flower play

05. Gardening

let's find the beauty together

You are much closer

than you think.

The life you love is waiting for you. She lies in the tension of where you have been and where you long to be. Let's find her together. 

i'm ready